

Week 1: Friday, Jan 21

Every year Association for Comuting Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group for Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) holds several conferences and awards "Best Paper" to the outstanding research in the field. As a practitioner in the field it is important to stay abreast with the current research, but more importantly - to understand the process of how the vast amounts of published research can be distilled to the most important papers - to the field and to your interests in it.


Week 1 chat

Smart Cities/Control Structures

Guest: Adit Dhanushkodi

Week 2: Friday, Jan 28

Student leads: Zhuoyu Li, Hongming Li, Yue Xi, Noah Curtis


Bonus / Other / FYI:

Week 2 chat

Distributed Trust

Guest: Elise Co

Week 3: Friday, Feb 04

Student leads: Zoey Wang, Blake Kos, Miaoqiong Huang, Shiyi Chen

To read:

To browse:

Week 3 chat

Kinship and Relationships

Guest: Robert Kett

Week 4: Friday, Feb 11

Student leads: Fanxuan Zhu, Eric Schubert, Zhiyan Wang, Mario Santanilla

To read:

To browse:

Week 4 chat

Science and Design

Week 5: Friday, Feb 18

Instead of designing ways to eliminate bacteria and protect ourselves from germs, h​ow might we design to reintroduce microbes into our daily lives?​ In the future, how will we design for the microbial superorganism?

Student leads: Alan Amaya, Yining Gao, Yuwen Qianyue

To read:

To browse:

Bonus read/browse:

Week 5 chat

AI and Design

Week 6: Friday, Feb 25

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Obcaecati, hic! Vel totam sequi commodi voluptates adipisci debitis necessitatibus, dignissimos architecto exercitationem dolor deserunt ipsam impedit ratione tempore, facilis explicabo officiis!

Student leads: Guowei Lyu, Yiran Mao, Zeyu Wang

Read, watch, listen




Creative Technology and Personal Practice

Week 8: Friday, March 11

Student Leads:Miaoqiong, Yiran, Yue, Fanxuan, Yining, Hongming


3 slides for 5 minutes.10 minutes group discussion. 15 min total.

Send the slides and the 1-2 sentence response to Ben and Maxim on Tuesday before the Friday presentation for check-in and review. We’ll respond with notes by the end of day Wednesday.

Three prompts for 3 slides

Prompts for the discussion

Creative Technology and Personal Practice

Week 9: Friday, March 18

Student Leads:Shiyi, Zhiyan, Noah, Alan, Blake, Guowei


3 slides for 5 minutes.10 minutes group discussion. 15 min total.

Send the slides and the 1-2 sentence response to Ben and Maxim on Tuesday before the Friday presentation for check-in and review. We’ll respond with notes by the end of day Wednesday.

Three prompts for 3 slides

Prompts for the discussion

Creative Technology and Personal Practice

Week 10: Friday, March 25

Student Leads:Mario, Zhuoyu, Zheng, Zeyu, Qianyue, Eric


3 slides for 5 minutes.10 minutes group discussion. 15 min total.

Send the slides and the 1-2 sentence response to Ben and Maxim on Tuesday before the Friday presentation for check-in and review. We’ll respond with notes by the end of day Wednesday.

Three prompts for 3 slides

Prompts for the discussion