Controlling a single paratemter in Processing via serial connection.

Code for the ESP32 written in Arduino:

// define a pin to which a potentiometer is connceted
#define POTPIN A0

// create a variable where a value we're reading
// from the potentiometer will be stored
int value;

void setup() {
    // setup the potentiometer pin as an input
    pinMode(POTPIN, INPUT);
    // start serial communicaiton that would enable us
    // to send information to a computer via USB cable
    // at the rate of 9600 bits per second

void loop() {
    // read the value in a range from 0 to 4095
    // from the potentiometer
    value = analogRead(POTPIN);

    // send that value to the computer to be received
    // by another program accessing a serial port
    // at the end of the transmissing an end-of-line (EDL)
    // character is appended
    // sort delay

Code written in Processing:

// import the library containing the functionality
// necessary to establish and process serial communications                
import processing.serial.*;
// make a variable to determine the radius
// of the circle we'll be drawing
float radius = 0;

// create a variable to represent a serial port
Serial myPort;

void setup(){
    // application window will be 500 by 500 pixels
    size(500, 500);
    // create a new serial connection and store its representation
    // in the variable created above
    // the connection is created between 'this' program
    // and the serial port with the name 'COM3'
    // (replace with a different name as needed - 
    // if you're using it with an Arduino, check the name of the port
    // to which your board is connected by switching to ArduinoIDE, 
    // then going to Tools -> Port submenu)
    // the communicaiton is established at 9600 bits per second
    // this rate needs to match the rate of transmission
    // (if you're using it with an Arduino, check the function
    // 'Serial.begin(rate_here)' - make sure the numbers match)
    myPort = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600);
    // accept characters until the special character is encountered
    // in this case '\n', signifying end-of-line (EDL) character
    // This would correspond to the statement 'Serial.println'
    // in Arduino, which adds the EDL character automatically -
    // as opposed to 'Serial.print', which does not

void draw(){
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    circle(width/2, height/2, radius*2);

// this function is triggered every time the special character 
// which we passed to the 'bufferUntil()' function is encountered
void serialEvent(Serial p){
    // read the string accumulated since the end of the last transmission
    // and store it in a temporary variable
    String serialValue = p.readString();
    // print the value in the console for reference
    // convert the value stored as a String into a floating-point
    // number and re-map it to a usable range from the
    // original range between 0 and 4095 for ESP32 
    // (replace with 0 to 1023 for Arduino)
    // see
    radius = map(float(serialValue), 0, 4095, 0, width/2); 